Renovate And Upgrade Your Kamloops Home With Energy Efficiency Grants And Save Money
I recently returned from the Natural Resources Canada ecoEnergy Adviser training in Saskatoon. Being an ecoEnergy Adviser means that in addition to doing home and commercial property inspections in Kamloops and the interior I will also be performing the energy evaluations that help people to access all the government grants and incentives now available.
This program is really a wonderful opportunity for people to upgrade their real estate holdings with more energy efficient furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, tank less water heaters (hot water on demand), improved insulation, new windows, low flush toilets and a whole host of other EnergyStar products. The benefit is some of the costs will be offset by the provincial and federal governments. It’s win win – you help the environment, save yourself a bunch of money in heating and cooling costs, and the government helps you pay for it.
This program is available to both home owners and renters of single family homes, townhouses, and low rise multifamily homes. You don’t even have to live in the house to qualify for the grant, it’s open to landlords as well.
For more info on the program and the combined BC and Federal grants go to the LiveSmart BC website. Also, CMHC insured homes are eligible for a 10% mortgage insurance refund when they meet certain ecoEnergy targets. See the CMHC website for further information.
Don’t forget this money is over and above the federal home renovation tax credit that can earn you up to $1350 back on your tax return. With all these programs in place, there has never been a better time to renovate your home here in Kamloops. All these energy saving renovations are beneficial to both home owners wanting to stay in their home long-term and home owners selling their home. These upgrades will really help showcase your home and make it much more attractive to potential buyers in a very competitive real estate market.
Todd Hrycenko, Global Property Inspections Phone: 250-371-2787 [email protected]