Kamloops and District Real Estate Associations Statistics For July 2010

The Kamloops and District Real Estate Association has released it’s latest statistics for July 2010. Residential sales are down quite a bit in comparison to the sales numbers for July 2009. Click on the images to enlarge.

Comparative analysis by property type July 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate Comparative analysis by property type July 2010

MLS Activity July 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate MLS Activity July 2010

Sales by subarea july 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate Sales by Subarea July 2010

Kamloops and District Real Estate Associations Statistics For May 2010

The Kamloops and Area Real Estate Association has posted their statistics for May 2010. Residential sales are up and so are the number of listings over last year. The total number of sales for up to this point in 2010, is much higher than than this point last year. Click on the image to enlarge.

Kamloops Real Estate Comparative Analysis by Property Type May 2010

Kamloops Real Estate MLS Activity May 2010

Kamloops Real Estate Sales by Subarea May 2010

Kamloops and District Real Estate Associations Statistics For April 2010

Here are the statistics for Kamloops and the surrounding areas for April 2010. The market is very busy and more listings are coming on the market daily. Buyers are very active purchasing homes. Click on the image to enlarge.

Comparative analysis by property type april 2010 Kamloops  Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate Comparative Analysis by Property Type April 2010

MLS activity April 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate MLS Activity April 2010

Sales by subarea april 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate Sales by Subarea April 2010

1 100 101 102 103 104 110